Tile Care Products and Advice by Tile Doctor

Professional Cleaning and Maintenance Products for Tile, Stone and Grout


Enhancing the Natural Brown Colours in Travertine with Tile Doctor Colour Grow Sealer in Chelmsford Essex

EarliEarlier this year I paid a visit to a client in Chelmsford who had a large that needed attention. The floor had been installed twelve years ago when a extension was added to the rear of the house. Discussing the floor on the phone my client had said that the floor always seemed dirty and […]

Unbelievable Transformation of a Filthy Terracotta Floor Using Tile Doctor Remove and Go in Danbury Essex

The Terracotta tiles in the kitchen of this property in Danbury near Chelmsford were installed by the owners only five years prior. At the time they didn’t like the light colour of the terracotta, so they were sealed with a black pigment added to the sealer in an attempt to darken the floor. Five years […]

Cleaning a Flood Stained Limestone Fireplace in Chelmsford

The UK has been experiencing an increasing amount of rain over the last few years and this has resulted in quite a few areas being flooded. One of those areas is the old city of Chelmsford in the middle of Essex which is prone to flooding due to the rivers Cam and Chelmer that run […]

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