Tile Care Products and Advice by Tile Doctor

Professional Cleaning and Maintenance Products for Tile, Stone and Grout

Buffing Pad

Enhancing the Natural Brown Colours in Travertine with Tile Doctor Colour Grow Sealer in Chelmsford Essex

EarliEarlier this year I paid a visit to a client in Chelmsford who had a large that needed attention. The floor had been installed twelve years ago when a extension was added to the rear of the house. Discussing the floor on the phone my client had said that the floor always seemed dirty and […]

Restoring the Polished Appearance of Marble Steps with Tile Doctor Burnishing Pads in Cwmbran Monmouthshire

The marble steps shown in the images were installed at a property in Cwmbran roughly ten years ago. Supplied by Mandarin Stone the Marble was beautiful however over time they had lost their polish. Also, the plant pots that had been placed on either side of the steps had scratched the pieces of marble quite […]

Achieving a Deep Shine on Porcelain Flooring with a 3000-Grit Polishing Pad in Atherton Manchester

The tiled floor shown isn’t Marble, it is actually high gloss Porcelain made to look like Marble installed in a house near Atherton. This was my second visit to the property after originally resolving several issues with another Porcelain tiled floor that was laid with wood grain effect Porcelain planks. I had noticed the floor […]

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